
Would you like to receive missionary newsletters, regional mission newsletters, “Engage” online magazine, Prayer Mobilization Line updates, JESUS Film updates, etc? Contact NMI President, Sheree Bales, to have your name and email address added to the list, and this information will be forwarded to you as it comes in. This is a great way to learn more about missions around the world and know specific ways to pray.
“ENGAGE” Magazine
When most people think of the word “magazine,” they imagine flipping printed pages. But “magazine” can refer to a type of content.
Engage is a Web site format containing magazine-style content—stories about people, articles delving into our church’s mission strategies, mission book reviews submitted by readers, how-to articles, photo packages, and personal reflection essays. Its target audience is every Nazarene, especially lay people. To sign up for the newsletter, visit www.engagemagazine.com and click on the link in the Newsletter Signup box. To register to be a writer, click on “Log In” at the top of the page, then fill out the form. Once you validate your registration by clicking on a link that is sent to your e-mail, you will be able to sign in and begin writing!
What Is the World Evangelism Fund?
The World Evangelism Fund is the cooperative genius of the mission enterprise of the Church of the Nazarene. It is based on the concept that we can do more working together than could ever be done working alone.
Why do we have World Evangelism Fund?
Missions in the Church of the Nazarene is a large enterprise. To accomplish the Great Commission—spreading the gospel and the message of holiness around the world—requires money.
In “faith-based” missions, missionaries must spend valuable time raising financial support. They conduct services, take offerings, receive pledges of support, and then pray the amount raised covers living expenses. Sometimes if the money runs out, missionaries are forced to return home.
In this type of support, churches do not always share equally in the mission work. Larger churches are sometimes visited by more missionaries than they could possibly help, while some smaller churches are overlooked.
The World Evangelism Fund was created to allow missionaries to work more effectively and to encourage all churches to support missions
The World Evangelism Fund goes directly toward accomplishing the mission of the Church of the Nazarene, to make Christlike disciples in the nations. The World Evangelism Fund is the funding that operates the Church of the Nazarene and its entire mission effort, from the operation of the Global Ministry Center to districts and churches around the world.
How does the World Evangelism Fund work?
Full-time missionaries (excluding volunteers) in the Church of the Nazarene receive a monthly paycheck based on a standard amount plus a cost-of-living adjustment.
Missionaries also receive medical insurance (see Missionary Health Care) a pension provision, and other items (such as housing and travel costs).
The World Evangelism Fund comes from the generosity of Nazarenes around the world. Each church is challenged to contribute an assigned apportionment, but many, seeing the effectiveness of the world mission enterprise, choose to overpay.
How is the World Evangelism Fund collected?
Traditionally, it has been through two large offerings a year—the Thanksgiving and Easter offerings. Some churches continue to successfully raise their entire fund this way.
Faith Promise is a plan based on mission giving at systematic intervals rather than just twice a year. Through Faith Promise, people pray about the amount they should give for missions (over and above their tithe). The amount is often given weekly, biweekly, or monthly. Over time, churches find they raise their mission support and often go over their goal through this giving plan.
The Benefits of the World Evangelism Fund:
* Missionaries—They receive a regular paycheck, freeing them from the added worry of raising finances. Missionaries still write letters and conduct deputation services to inform people of happenings in their field of service; however, suchactivities do not consume a large portion of their time on the mission field.
* Churches—Regardless of size, each church has the opportunity to take part in the global mission endeavor. Also, just as individuals are blessed by God when they commit a portion of their resources for His kingdom, so churches are blessed when they allocate funds to help reach the lost around the world.
* What is Award of Excellence? In 1991, the Award of Excellence began, honoring those local churches overpaying their World Evangelism Fund by 3 percent or $1,000, whichever is less. A district receives the district Award of Excellence by paying 100 percent of its World Evangelism Fund goal. In an effort to encourage further giving to World Evangelism Fund, the Board of General Superintendents, at the suggestion of the General NMI Council, approved the Award of Excellence, a World Evangelism Fund overpayment plan, in 1992. “All moneys overpaid by the local church toward the World Evangelism Fund are used to explore and enter new world areas.” (Handbook and Constitution)