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Copyright 2005

    8:30 - 8:50 Regular weekly prayer time with parents, sponsors, and
    teens in "The Cave"

    9:00 a.m.  7th graders meet in the "The Cave"
    8th graders meet in Room 401
    10:45a.m.  Worship together in the Sanctuary

    SR. HIGH:  9:00 a.m. Worship together in the Sanctuary
    10:45 a.m.   9th graders in Room 401
    10th graders in Room 407 (upper room)
    11th and 12th graders in "The Cave"
    Quizzing in Rooms 402 and 403

    3:30 p.m. Super Bowl Party

    All teens meet in "The Cave" at 7:00 p.m.

    SUPER BOWL PARTY-Are you ready for some football? This
    afternoon, all small groups will meet in The Cave at 3:30 p.m. to
    watch the game on the big screen. The cost is only $5. We will be
    supplying food, drinks, snacks, and our own halftime show.

    BAPTISM-Are you interested in being baptized? We will be having a
    baptism ceremony next Sunday, February 13th. Please call the youth
    office for more info or to set up a time to talk in more detail about
    baptism to Pastor Ed.  

    MAIN EVENT PRACTICES-It is time to register for main event.
    Please turn in your registration form and $15 registration fee before
    February 20th. Full schedules of practices are available at the
    ministry counter. For more information, please call James at 596-

    SUMMER MISSION TRIP 2005-This year we are traveling down to
    New Mexico for Mission Encounter. Your first deposit of $50 is due
    Sunday, February 13th. Remember to get involved in all fundraisers
    to help towards paying your way.

    DISTRICT QUIZ AT SPRINGS FIRST-February 19th-We want to see
    everyone show up here on Saturday, February 19th, to support our
    quiz team. Our team members include: Dawson & Monica Finger,
    Megan Jarrell, Matt Watkins, Judith McFadden, Melissa Stringer,
    Cassie, Bobbie, & Becky Langjahr, and Sarah Smith.

    ZONE TALENT NIGHT-February 18th-In preparation for Main Event
    we are holding a talent night here at Springs First. Everyone with a
    talent entry should be here February 18th at 5:00-6:00 p.m.

    LITTLE CAESARS FUNDRAISER-All orders for the Little Caesars
    pizzas and cookie dough, are due by February 13th. Pick up your
    order form today. For more info, please contact James in the youth